The work Elise and Libby are doing with Asher, is nothing shy of incredible.
Last week, I took Lincoln out to spend some money he’s been saving. He’s been learning about finances, so we discussed what he wanted to buy and how it was going to work. I explained that it was going to be busier than usual at Target and that afterward, he could decide whether he wanted to go to Chipotle for lunch or go home and eat instead.
He did awesome in Target!! The best ever! He knew what he wanted to buy and didn’t get upset by wanting something above his budget.
At lunchtime, he chose to eat at Chipotle. There weren’t any table and chairs left so we had to sit at the high-top tables with the fixed stools. I sat him as far away from the line of people as we could get, but he wanted to sit on the other side of me… which was RIGHT next to the busy line! He complained multiple times of their smells, sounds, and them being too close to him, but he talked to me and we resolved it together. He had a very hard time being a little too far away from the table because of the fixed stools, but we eventually came up with an idea on how he could eat comfortably.
"He ate his ENTIRE meal! He talked to me when he got frustrated, and when we got home he didn’t fall apart!"
I was so excited after we were done eating I wanted to scream right there in the restaurant “my kid just climbed a mountain!!!! Victory!”
Parenting Lincoln has so many valleys and not a lot of mountaintop moments, so I cherish them when they come. Thank you for helping him achieve this mountaintop!