Picky Eater vs. Problem Feeder: Who’s at Your Table?
If mealtimes feel like a battle, finding a skilled feeding therapist can make such a difference.
If mealtimes feel like a battle, finding a skilled feeding therapist can make such a difference.
What makes The Center for Childhood Development unique? A reflection on 20 years of practice.
The medical world has varying opinions about how to evaluate a tongue tie and, if one is present, what should be done to treat it. Or not.
Four reasons your child may be asking the same questions over and over (and over)…
The work Elise and Libby are doing with Asher, is nothing shy of incredible.
Games are the perfect way to work on a variety of goals in a child-directed, playful way.
Therapist-approved games and toys for your kiddos. Happy holidays!
If a child chronically mouth breaths, the tongue sits low and forward in the mouth. This can cause long-term problems with…
V/V is a language-based program that develops and enriches a child’s ability to picture a spoken or written word/sentence.