VitalStim Therapy, a specialized type of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), is a therapeutic intervention used to treat dysphagia.
Top Occupational Therapists
Molly Buist
Owner/Clinical Director/Occupational Therapist, OTR/L
Top Physical Therapists
Katie DeRoo
Doctor of Physical Therapy, PT, DPT, C/NDT
Top Disabilities Therapists
Occupational Therapist MS, OTR/L CAPS
Please help us in congratulating our winners. You can meet the rest of our outstanding team here.
An OT, SLP, and a PT are serving up gift recommendations for your kids this year. See what they have in store for them.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an allergic condition triggered by foods that causes inflammation and narrowing of the esophagus.
With early detection and treatment, torticollis can typically be resolved with no long-term side effects.
See who made the “Best Doctors & Health Care Pros in Grand Rapids” list.
Hannah’s job search ended when she found an environment that supported her desire for ongoing learning. Lucky for us, that was here.
An OT, a PT, and an SLP walked into a toy store. Here’s what they picked out for your kids!
What makes The Center for Childhood Development unique? A reflection on 20 years of practice.
Picture this….you have just spent a long day at the park and now it’s time to go home, but guess what?
When should we be concerned about toe walking? Katie DeRoo PT, DPT, C/NDT is here to tell us.
Wendi Cuson, MS, OTR/L shares insights and tools for children with handwriting challenges.
The work Elise and Libby are doing with Asher, is nothing shy of incredible.
Therapist-approved games and toys for your kiddos. Happy holidays!
Imagine this: You’re headed to a work conference and there’s no itinerary. 😬
Take notice of ways to “sneak in” therapy and address skills in daily life.
Transport from one location to another enables participation in daily occupations (the things we want and need to do)…
Shopping for shoes? We have helpful guidelines and recommendations for new and experienced walkers.
V/V is a language-based program that develops and enriches a child’s ability to picture a spoken or written word/sentence.
The Center has really helped me so much and I want to pay it forward to the next kid.
Supporting brain and body function with tools that can be used in the clinic and at home.
Supporting brain and body function with tools that can be used in the clinic and at home.
Our OTs and PTs spent two days learning about the assessment and treatment of motor and nervous system function.