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We love using components of Lindamood-Bell’s Visualizing & Verbalizing (V/V) in our therapy work! V/V is a language-based program that develops and enriches a child’s ability to picture a spoken or written word/sentence.


Sometimes when kids have difficulty coming up with an idea for play, responding to questions about reading material, remembering directions to complete tasks, understanding social situations, or even just talking about their day, it might be because they may have difficulty with concept imagery, or the ability to image information as a whole unit. These kids may only picture pieces or parts of an idea. 

"Using imagery-based language, V/V walks through a series of steps to further develop a child’s ability to visualize a whole picture – full of details."

Using imagery-based language, V/V walks through a series of steps to further develop a child’s ability to visualize a whole picture – full of details. The ability to visualize is key for kids (and adults!) of all ages and can help improve reading comprehension, remembering details, understanding directions, and concepts, organizing spoken language, and developing executive functioning skills. When skills improve in these areas, kids will have a better overall ability to navigate and understand all different situations: classroom participation and expectations, homework, interactions with their friends, and so much more!

We're developing pretend play skills by taking on the role of pizza maker! Pie anyone? 🍕
One of our talented kiddos wrote, directed, and performed his own play. It was a great activity to work on speech and OT goals of:
sequencing events, developing narration skills and discourse, developing pretend play skills by taking on a role, using emotional affect to recite lines.

We love to use V/V picturing skills here at The Center to plan and construct crafts, new gym games with peers, make smart moves while playing board games, bake fun and delicious recipes, and play out pretend ideas!

If you have concerns about your child's development don't hesitate to contact us. We can help you decide whether an evaluation is necessary.
