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Is Your Child Stuttering?

by Caitlyn DeHaan, MS, CCC-SLP

We are frequently contacted by concerned parents of young children when their child suddenly begins “stuttering”. Don’t panic! Around 18 - 24 months of age children have a large increase in language acquisition and verbal output. It is typical for children to become dysfluent during this stage of development as the child is attempting to retrieve, use, and formulate new words and word combinations.

“It is typical for children to become dysfluent during this stage…”

However, if your child’s stuttering persists more than 6 - 12 months, persists past the age of 3-1/2, or becomes worse, it is best to have the child assessed by a speech-language pathologist. 

In addition, there are certain risk factors that may warrant having your child assessed sooner. These include having a family history of stuttering, gender, coexisting speech or language concerns, the onset of stuttering occurring after the age of 3-1/2.

If you have concerns about your child's development don't hesitate to contact us. We can help you decide whether an evaluation is necessary.
